Keeping our customers safeKeeping our customers safe

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Keeping our customers safe

We handle a lot of personal information in my line of business and it's vital that our customers know that we are keeping it safe. If we can't keep their data safe, we don't have a business - it's that simple. Having a good security system for us relies on a combination of physical security, cyber security, and administrative checks and balances to make sure that the only people who can see each part of the client record are the people who need to see it. This blog has my tips and resources I've collected for improving security for customer's personal data and records.

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Top Surefire Ways To Protect Your CCTV Footage

Most businesses and homeowners put in deliberate effort and invest considerable resources towards protecting CCTV cameras and other system components from the elements, vandalism and burglary. Protecting the footage gathered by your CCTV systems is also just as important, and you should not neglect doing so.

Rogue and malicious parties may look to get access to your system and steal or erase your footage. Get the most out of your CCTV system by protecting your footage with the following tips.

Use Strong Passwords and Limit Access to Few People

Choose a strong password for your CCTV system that is not easy to guess. The more random your choice of letters, special characters and numbers is, the harder it will be for anyone to correctly guess and gain unauthorised access. You should also make a point of changing these passwords every so often,

You may need to share your system's password and access with other people. If this is the case, ensure that you keep the circle small and tight. It will significantly reduce the risk, compared to if there were more people with access to and managing your CCTV systems.

Store on an External Device

By retrieving and storing your footage on external devices such as an external hard drive, USB stick or SD memory card, you can protect it from being overwritten. Once you have retrieved the footage and it is on the external device, keep the device in a secure location, and, again, limit the number of people that are privy to the information about where you keep the device.

Explore Cloud-Based Storage and Update System software

For this, you will need to check with your CCTV systems installer to ascertain that your system is, indeed, compatible with this storage type. Ensure that you have a secure server before setting up a cloud storage for your system. An added advantage to this is that you can access and retrieve your footage from anywhere in the world.

With new updates come fixes for various security vulnerabilities in your CCTV systems software. Issues with older versions do become well known, and as such, hackers may have an easier time exploiting these vulnerabilities. To protect your security footage, ensure that you install all software updates as they are made available.

With these easy tips, you can protect the footage you collect on your CCTV systems. You will be able to lock out hackers and other malicious parties from your system.